NorthShield Blinds and More

The Benefits of Shutter Shades

Window shutters are a popular option for coverings for a number of reasons. If you are considering shutters for your home or business, you are at on the right article. Find some of the top benefits of shutters detailed below. While shutters generally offer the same benefits, it’s always important to remember that high-quality shutters are a better investment than those of an inferior quality.


shutters benefits Winnipeg

Your windows are supposed to add style as well as prove functional. If you have lovely windows, it would be a shame to ruin them with unattractive window coverings. Shutters are available in various colors which makes it easy to find the best option to suit your existing décor. By adding style to the room, you will automatically make the property that much more attractive to visitors – in residential and commercial settings alike.

Temperature control

When you install shutters, you will notice that they provide an extra layer of protection against the elements. During the colder months, your shutters will slow the transfer of cold air from the windows to the air in the room. Naturally, the air closest to your windows will feel cooler but by adding shutters, you limit the amount of air that comes into contact with the cold window. Similarly, in summer, your shutters will help keep the heat at bay. By keeping strong direct rays of the sun out of the room, you will notice that your air conditioner will not have to work quite as hard.

Keep the light out

Sometimes you just want to sleep in and there are also times when you want to enjoy your favorite movie or TV show without that glare on the screen. In professional settings, presentations are best done in rooms without the interference of natural light. Shutters are extremely effective at keeping natural light from entering a room. So, depending on how you angle them, you can choose just how dark you would like the room to be.

Easy to clean

If you suffer from allergies, you will know how dust manages to settle everywhere – particularly on drapes and curtains. Shutters can be cleaned by simply wiping them! There’s no need to remove, wash, dry, and replace. It’s far less time-consuming and this means that you can also clean them more regularly.


window shutters NorthShield

Shutters are known for being one of the most durable of all window coverings. That said, when you are shopping for shutters, make sure that you are indeed getting the best. High-quality shutters ensure years of use. Not only will they continue to function effortlessly, but they will also look great even after being opened and closed countless times.


Some drapes and other window coverings do not offer complete privacy. Defector curtains that don’t close properly will never offer the same level of intimacy as shutters. When you close your shutters, you can rest assured that nobody will be able to sneak a peek. This is because they close so perfectly and they are not affected by every tiny breeze.

Custom made

Shutters can be custom made to suit the size and design of a particular window. By opting for this custom approach, you will enjoy the benefits of that perfect fit! Apart from the practical benefits, this also ensures that your shutters look absolutely flawless.

For the finest shutters in Canada, contact NorthShield Blinds. Our locally manufactured shutters are a stylish and practical investment in any home or business.

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